Week 22-Thoughts Are Spiritual Seeds

Examine your life. Are you happy with the fruit that has come from the seeds you have planted or would you like a do over? Are you looking to change and or unlearn some or most of the things you have been taught?

If you look around and realize you don’t like the fruit then its time to change the types of seeds you have been planting. By this I mean your thoughts have been the enforcer of creation. Most of us have thought ourselves in a corner and now we want to try and get out with the same thoughts that got us there. This is just simply impossible. You will not be transforming your life with the same thoughts that got you into the life you have created.

In order to move forward we must identify the thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve us and find a way to change them into thoughts and beliefs that assist us in believing in ourselves and the limitless possibilities gifted to us. Thoughts are spiritual seeds and you will create and experience what you innately believe you deserve. So what are you thinking about the most? This is where you begin.

Week 21-I Think Therefore, “I AM”

Your emotions let you know that the life you are living or the choices you make are not in alignment with your soul purpose. Your emotions will show you where the disconnect is if you are aware and present with your emotions. Emotions are the flag that tells you, “there is something off here” or “this is good”. I am learning to be mindful and present with not only my emotions but everything I do because then I have an awareness of when I have had enough or, when I need to address something that may be happening to me or around me. I also have been able to think about all of the possible outcomes that I can perceive before I react to something. I continue to monitor my thoughts and utilize the 7 laws of the mind to to change direction when my thoughts do not serve me. It feels good when I do this because I know how automatic I use to be and how I have for the most part talked myself out of doing the thing that moves me forward for most of my life. I AM currently experiencing life from my old lenses and now creating new and exciting experiences for the future. As stated in lesson 21, part 9, “the science of correct thinking is the one science, that includes all other sciences”.

Peace and Love!!!

Week 20-Think Quality, Not Quantity.

If thinking is a creative process and we are always thinking, why would we want to have low quality thoughts? I know, I know, someone may read this and be in true denial that they have poor thoughts, therefore they create hot messes in their lives. This was hard for me to believe too, because I had every example of why this was not true shown or taught to me growing up. Now I get that I create my own reality and based on my understanding and perceptions, I will create according to this. I get that I was creating based on my foundational upbringing and there were traumas that continued to happen.

So now what? What do I want to create? Liberty and True Health are the answer at this moment and I am on my way and taking control of my life instead of continuing to live a life a quiet desperation. I am thinking quality not quantity and making progress everyday!

Peace be the journey!!!

Week 19 -If It No Longer Serves You?

On this journey I have contemplated letting go of many things. Since we know we have to let go of our old way of thinking, this for me causes me to begin to think about everything else that no longer has a purpose and somethings that never had a purpose it was just habitual and/or a part group conformity turned into a habit.

As I look at my life and rate the things that I love to do but has no real purpose or the things that I don’t like so much but actually could truly benefit me, I realize how tricky the mind can be but also how the mindset I am trying to flip for my growth had me thinking that those things were for someone else and not for me. Like how could I not want to eat healthier, exercise more frequently, get out in nature more often, volunteer, meditate, drink a healthy portion of water daily. Most of these things preserve life so why was I so willing to do the opposite? Talk about auto-pilot!

We only get to come here in this body once and depending on what you believe you will not remember this experience. So what does this all mean to me? Well, for me it’s simple. I had to learn to love myself more and to most of us we automatically assume we love ourselves just because we should. Think about it, love offers grace, how hard are you on yourself for not doing something but how forgiving are you to someone who breaks your heart? Now ask the question again, do you truly love yourself? Love offers patience and care. Do you care for yourself by eating properly, exercising, meditating, spending time in silence etc. or do you give all the care to everyone else and forget about you? When you love yourself your mindset truly does change. Maybe that is why the girl or guy in the glass is so important for this process?

Be honest though, if you have not really examined your love of self, start and truly examine if you are loving on yourself the way you should. Besides if you don’t love you in a healthy happy way, how can you expect someone else how to?

In the end, to love yourself gives you the power to let go of the old beliefs and habits that no longer serve you, so please take a good look at how you are loving you. It is just another way to create change in your world and accepting who you are in this moment, gives you the courage to go forward with creating change.

Peace be the journey!!!

Week 18 – Growth

What if we taught children to use their imaginations and never forced them to stop using it? Remember when you were a kid and you and your friends in the neighborhood played games like monopoly, go fish(concentration), house, etc. These games require that you use your imagination to determine what you would do in the situation or to focus in order to figure out how to match the first card you picked to the next one. Little did we know we were developing muscles within our minds to help our minds become strong and grow in a positive way. Ultimately, we have to stop playing games because we now need to incorporate that into real life situations.

Monopoly teaches you in multiple ways and depending on your perception, you will learn many lessons. One lesson could be, the more land you own the more power you have to buy more and monopolize various parts of the Real Estate business, or another lesson could be, manage your money in way that sets you up for future buys and sells that don’t leave you bankrupt but keep you in the conversation and in business. I think there are hundreds more but hopefully you are following me.

Another imagination game is playing house. I mean who didn’t play house with friends as kids? This game helped you create an idea of what family was supposed to be. Two parents, kids, dinner ready for the husband when he got home from work, etc. Concentration taught us how to focus and match in our minds. Now, let me try to make sense of all of this talk about games.

At an early age we are through school, and games inserted in our experience somehow, taught to mimic what we have already seen for the most part when playing house, typically we behave like what we see in our households or what we wish for because we saw it on TV. But really is it what we imagine or what has been inserted in our memory because it is all around us?

Depending on your age and the environment you were raised in you will play monopoly in a certain way. You will either play from a place of lack, buying up everything then running out of money and not being able to build on your land. Maybe you will buy just the most expensive of properties so you can build on it and capitalize off of it but then profit from it with a sell but you will all play from your level of understanding by an already set in motion set of beliefs. Concentration well, you only get to see the cards once and you don’t know where they are so you have to continuously flip cards and try to remember where they are so you can match them. This takes time. Now my hope is that you can equate this to what we have been learning so far in the MKMMA experience.

Based on our upbringing we will develop a perception of life. That perception will always dictate how we see the world, therefore our experience will not always feel or look the same as everyone else’s. Unless, it is a groupthink situation where everyone is coerced into feeling some type of way based on culture, race, socio-economic status, etc. The game is on average always rigged because generally we somehow through environment sometimes never get to truly operate from our truest beliefs because we pretty much have been taught to believe what our ancestors did. In the master keys we are taught to develop an understanding of our innate nature, who we are in true form. At the same time we are taught to go deep and see what our true beliefs have been and our we see reality and begin to build beliefs that serve us and push us in the direction we would like to grow.

Otherwise we will continue to live our ancestors lives and not our own. Some of us have yet to discover that the law of growth happens no matter if you like what is growing in your experience or not. The key is to take those games we have been force to play from a place of normalcy, culture, race, concentration and build a new more powerful understanding of how to truly play the game of life. There are no boundaries but we must understand and practice the ideas of these natural laws that we have been unknowingly using in order to live the fullest experience possible.

You attract who and what you believe you are. Your current life is a reflection of your beliefs from the past. Your future will be the product who you believe you are today. What you focus on grows and what you forget atrophies. So what are you pretending not to know? You are natures greatest miracle, brought forth with love. Just reading that gives me chills and as I develop a full belief of this the more I believe in myself and my ability to create the life I want.

Keep going the best is yet to come!!!

Week 17 HJ-Hero’s Journey

What is the cost for your new life? What must we give up in order to create a whole new experience? As happy as I am for knowing what I know in this moment, as happy as I am for being on this journey, I have to admit, the hero’s journey for me has been no walk in the park. As I work hard to remove old beliefs and roadblocks created by my old blueprint, I have come to the understanding that this type of work when done from an honest and open place will break you down to the very core of your being in order to bring forth the best version of you. Or, you will continue to reject it and fail miserably at elevating your consciousness and your life.

I do not think it’s the same for everyone. I think there are many factors that play a part in how we all fair on the hero’s journey. Like how fast we surrender and understand our place in the universe and our purpose. Others may differ from me, but this experience for me has numbed me at times, excited me, reminded me, and invited me to dive deep into the discovery of who I am.

So what is the cost? For me, it was accepting who I thought I was supposed to be was an illusion and being open to something different, better yet way more powerful than color, sexual orientation or gender. What must we give up? The illusion, the lie of separation, the culture wars, and so much more. I had to stop acting like I was all good and nothing was wrong or that I was not happy and wanted to change my life. I had to remind myself that I had a choice to continue to hold on to cultural beliefs or begin to eliminate the ones that no longer serve me. I now understand what I need to be honest about in order to improve my circumstances.

The hero’s journey is not easy but I know I deserve to live a fulfilling life and holding on to beliefs that keep me stuck in fear, anger and depression only hold me back from my true expression. I no longer accept the mediocre life I had been living. I know lessons will continue to come and I will embrace them knowing that on the other side is my reward for doing what I know how and surrendering control whenever necessary to allow the Universe to work because I now have begun to utilize the mechanism the we all have been blessed with to manifest the life we truly desire.

So to anyone who reads this….Ask, Do, choose gratefulness and happiness and get out of the way!!!!

Stay on the journey!!!!

Week 17-Subconcious Concentration Brings to Life Your Truest Desires.

Part 17 for me is the secret sauce. Here Haanel discusses how we must concentrate on exactly what we want and that we will attract our desires based on how in tune we are with the Universe. What are we thinking about the most, and how are we thinking about it. Are we focusing on what we expect, or are we focused on what we don’t want to happen? Depending on our attitude, we will for sure attract the equivalent.

It is so important to monitor your thoughts, but also we should be using the 7 laws of the mind as a tool to improve our thinking and replace our negative thoughts with powerful positive affirmations and natural laws.

This part of the masterkey system reveals the truth of manifestation and how we have the keys to unlock our truest potential and this program and all of the exercises we do for the progression of our lives creates an opportunity for each of us to get into the vibration we need to be in order to attract to us our wildest desires. We must focus more than just for a few minutes per day. We must create an environment that always keeps us thinking and focusing on our new life. This is how we manifest our dreams.

Every willing participant in the world should be here taking this course. Davene, Mark, and the guides provide us with every single tool we need to bring about the change we want in order to truly live out our purpose. It is on us to do the work though.

I’m so grateful to have answered the call for myself in order to be of service for others!

I always keep my promises!

Week 16- The True Essense of Success

The Law of Periodicity states that when elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, there is a periodic repetition of their chemical and physical properties. The definition of periodicity is the quality, state or fact of being regularly recurrent or having periods.

In part 16 of the Masterkey system, Haanel talks about how the Universe is governed by the Law of Periodicity and that everything living has periods. That everything is born, grows, bares fruit, and then declines. That these periods are all governed by the Septimal Law or the Law of Sevens and that everything existing in the universe, days of the week, phases of the moon, harmonies of sound, light, heat, electricity, life  and more are governed by Septimal Law.

So all this to say that as sure as we are born we will grow and change and have periods of ups and downs, but the direction and how long we stay in either period will depend on our understanding of natural laws and if we are in harmony with them or not. Humans experience life in 7 year cycles. If we gain an understanding of these cycles then when things seem to go wrong we will not be bothered by it. If we truly understand the principles we can ultimately turn all the obstacles and seemingly difficult times into blessings. 

So lets think about this for a minute….Ok so if you are wondering possibly why things are not happening the way you would like yet. You know maybe there is a person you love but can not seem to get past the friend zone, or maybe there is a dream you have but you can’t seem to get past the dream ,or you want to earn a certain amount of money but you just can’t seem to get to the place where earning the amount, getting that special someone or living out your dream seems remotely possible, well this is because potentially you have not figured out the natural laws and how to be in harmony with each of them. Instead some of us work against the laws most of the time unknowingly.

We tend to lose traction when we start to go back to our old behaviors or fall off from practice. Maybe the cycle we are in requires us to learn more. Maybe we are still attracting the negative things because we are not in harmony. One day we are happy and at peace the next we are sad, angry or depressed. Well we can not manifest and hold on to our true desires if we are not able to think positive thoughts, speak positive words and put forth the action. Also, we need to have a definite major purpose, see it in our minds eye and then put action to it so it will materialize in our outer world.

We are only going to be able to create according to our spiritual power, so how strong is your faith? If we do not learn to control our thoughts and what we allow in then our lives will never change but once we are able to not only control our thoughts but build new ones, visualize and take action steps we will then become unstoppable.

Most importantly what we are aiming for must serve a true purpose. We must discover why we are here and get to work living out our purpose. We all are in a cycle in our lives and if you are trying to maximize the moment you may want to study the Natural Laws of the Universe in order to maximize your true potential. It can change your life!

Peace be the journey!

Week 15 – There’s Levels To Our Consciousness

Part 15 of the Masterkey System explains that natural laws operate to our advantage. Every single one of our experiences come to us for our growth. The opportunity is there for us to build strength but the type of strength we gain is still going to be based on our response to each situation we are placed in (negative or positive strength). Now we know typically we respond from our foundation of beliefs, you know the things that have gotten us this far. We are normally on auto-pilot and do not understand that we are operating under these laws. So typically the advantage does not always feel like one because of a poor foundation of negative beliefs, therefore creating a negative response. So it is important to get to know the laws we are operating under so we can utilize them to our advantage in a positive way.

So it is now time to take a look at our life. What are you actually unhappy about? What is not going so well in your life? In what area do you feel you need the most attention? Pick one area, maybe it’s financial. What is it you want to change? Maybe it is your income. How can you begin to improve it? Well the number one thing is to acknowledge what you currently have and appreciate it. Do not scoff at it because you will then continue to recreate the same experience. Appreciate it and then get clear of what you want.

Once you are clear focus solely on that. Be grateful you have money even if it is short money. Focus on how you will feel as you visualize your bank account growing and your not only able to pay things but you no longer have to limit yourself on what you spend leisurely because you now understand that you have unlimited resources.

You must let go of things you no longer need and you know what they are. Take inventory. What no longer serves a purpose in your life. What thoughts old beliefs do you have that are holding you back? Who in your life has the lessons ended with but they are still there? This course will assist in helping you find this out and provide you with the tools you need to move forward. I love it!

Growth happens when you give away old behaviors and thoughts for new ones. What are you holding on to? Let go and let’s grow!!!!!

Level up!!!!

Week-14-Thought is Creative

Thought is mind in motion. The power we have as humans to think is also our ability to bring our thoughts into existence. We are always manifesting with our thoughts so why not gain control over what you are thinking in order to create the life you want?

According to part 14 of The Masterkey System humans are the vessel the universe uses to bring thoughts to life. The Universal Mind is the source of all wisdom, power, intelligence, and thought. All things have their origin in the Universal Mind.  Our subconscious mind is the connection between our conscious mind and Universal Mind. This is why when trying to change your life from good to better you must understand the science of how we connect to universal mind for all of our answers, ideas, and understanding of what steps to take to when  creating what we want.

It is really important to get a connection with the universe or God in order to intentionally create, but what we can not do is think now about what we do not want. 

Think about it: we think about what we don’t want with passion, and we accompany those thoughts with feelings, and we get sad about it. Think about how someone you know in your life says or just thinks about how they don’t want to be alone. Constantly thinking and speaking it into existence. Sometimes even crying about it, speaking and thinking about how they can never find “the one.” Not paying attention to the fact that they have found a way to sabotage every relationship they have ever been in because of what they believe about themselves. They don’t want to be alone, but they somehow always end up that way. Well, this is because of where they have placed their focus.

As we move forward with our manifestation, we must remember that we manifest outwardly what’s inside, so if our inside is chaos, then our experiences outwardly will be as well. We must remember to get into harmony with our inner self in order to bring forth the life that we want. The connection to Universal Mind is not even possible without inner harmony.

Peace be the journey!