Week 18 – Growth

What if we taught children to use their imaginations and never forced them to stop using it? Remember when you were a kid and you and your friends in the neighborhood played games like monopoly, go fish(concentration), house, etc. These games require that you use your imagination to determine what you would do in the situation or to focus in order to figure out how to match the first card you picked to the next one. Little did we know we were developing muscles within our minds to help our minds become strong and grow in a positive way. Ultimately, we have to stop playing games because we now need to incorporate that into real life situations.

Monopoly teaches you in multiple ways and depending on your perception, you will learn many lessons. One lesson could be, the more land you own the more power you have to buy more and monopolize various parts of the Real Estate business, or another lesson could be, manage your money in way that sets you up for future buys and sells that don’t leave you bankrupt but keep you in the conversation and in business. I think there are hundreds more but hopefully you are following me.

Another imagination game is playing house. I mean who didn’t play house with friends as kids? This game helped you create an idea of what family was supposed to be. Two parents, kids, dinner ready for the husband when he got home from work, etc. Concentration taught us how to focus and match in our minds. Now, let me try to make sense of all of this talk about games.

At an early age we are through school, and games inserted in our experience somehow, taught to mimic what we have already seen for the most part when playing house, typically we behave like what we see in our households or what we wish for because we saw it on TV. But really is it what we imagine or what has been inserted in our memory because it is all around us?

Depending on your age and the environment you were raised in you will play monopoly in a certain way. You will either play from a place of lack, buying up everything then running out of money and not being able to build on your land. Maybe you will buy just the most expensive of properties so you can build on it and capitalize off of it but then profit from it with a sell but you will all play from your level of understanding by an already set in motion set of beliefs. Concentration well, you only get to see the cards once and you don’t know where they are so you have to continuously flip cards and try to remember where they are so you can match them. This takes time. Now my hope is that you can equate this to what we have been learning so far in the MKMMA experience.

Based on our upbringing we will develop a perception of life. That perception will always dictate how we see the world, therefore our experience will not always feel or look the same as everyone else’s. Unless, it is a groupthink situation where everyone is coerced into feeling some type of way based on culture, race, socio-economic status, etc. The game is on average always rigged because generally we somehow through environment sometimes never get to truly operate from our truest beliefs because we pretty much have been taught to believe what our ancestors did. In the master keys we are taught to develop an understanding of our innate nature, who we are in true form. At the same time we are taught to go deep and see what our true beliefs have been and our we see reality and begin to build beliefs that serve us and push us in the direction we would like to grow.

Otherwise we will continue to live our ancestors lives and not our own. Some of us have yet to discover that the law of growth happens no matter if you like what is growing in your experience or not. The key is to take those games we have been force to play from a place of normalcy, culture, race, concentration and build a new more powerful understanding of how to truly play the game of life. There are no boundaries but we must understand and practice the ideas of these natural laws that we have been unknowingly using in order to live the fullest experience possible.

You attract who and what you believe you are. Your current life is a reflection of your beliefs from the past. Your future will be the product who you believe you are today. What you focus on grows and what you forget atrophies. So what are you pretending not to know? You are natures greatest miracle, brought forth with love. Just reading that gives me chills and as I develop a full belief of this the more I believe in myself and my ability to create the life I want.

Keep going the best is yet to come!!!

2 thoughts on “Week 18 – Growth

  1. Every year you continue to seed powerful spiritual seeds. They will come to fruition when the soil you are cultivating continuously is ready.

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