Week 15 – There’s Levels To Our Consciousness

Part 15 of the Masterkey System explains that natural laws operate to our advantage. Every single one of our experiences come to us for our growth. The opportunity is there for us to build strength but the type of strength we gain is still going to be based on our response to each situation we are placed in (negative or positive strength). Now we know typically we respond from our foundation of beliefs, you know the things that have gotten us this far. We are normally on auto-pilot and do not understand that we are operating under these laws. So typically the advantage does not always feel like one because of a poor foundation of negative beliefs, therefore creating a negative response. So it is important to get to know the laws we are operating under so we can utilize them to our advantage in a positive way.

So it is now time to take a look at our life. What are you actually unhappy about? What is not going so well in your life? In what area do you feel you need the most attention? Pick one area, maybe it’s financial. What is it you want to change? Maybe it is your income. How can you begin to improve it? Well the number one thing is to acknowledge what you currently have and appreciate it. Do not scoff at it because you will then continue to recreate the same experience. Appreciate it and then get clear of what you want.

Once you are clear focus solely on that. Be grateful you have money even if it is short money. Focus on how you will feel as you visualize your bank account growing and your not only able to pay things but you no longer have to limit yourself on what you spend leisurely because you now understand that you have unlimited resources.

You must let go of things you no longer need and you know what they are. Take inventory. What no longer serves a purpose in your life. What thoughts old beliefs do you have that are holding you back? Who in your life has the lessons ended with but they are still there? This course will assist in helping you find this out and provide you with the tools you need to move forward. I love it!

Growth happens when you give away old behaviors and thoughts for new ones. What are you holding on to? Let go and let’s grow!!!!!

Level up!!!!

One thought on “Week 15 – There’s Levels To Our Consciousness

  1. The universe abhors a vacuum. Therefore, in order to grow and expand we must let go of what we don’t want . that can be things and equally, that can be thoughts that don’t serve us. x


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